The best part about the current gaming laptop ecosystem is that the best gaming laptops under Rs 60000 should still be able to run the latest AAA and esports titles with ease at low to medium settings. These budget gaming laptops compensate for the lower price point by featuring older gen CPUs and GPUs. This usually means 10th, or at best 11th gen Intel Core processors, and 4000 or 5000 series AMD Ryzen processors. While they may not be the latest of Intel and AMD's offerings, these processors can still hold their own when it comes to gaming performance. These processors are usually paired with the NVIDIA RTX 1650, or in some cases, the RTX 2050. With the advent of the RTX 4050, we may even start seeing RTX 3050 laptops in this segment soon. That being said, the 1650 and 2050 are good starter GPUs which are more than capable of running the latest titles at low to medium settings in FHD, or 1080p resolution. We've created this list of the best gaming laptops under Rs 60000 which should give you at least 60 FPS in popular titles like Valorant, GTAV, and more, with a range of processor and GPU combos. This includes the IdeaPad Gaming 3 featuring an AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with the GTX 1650, the HP Pavilion 15 with a Ryzen 5 4600H and a GTX 1650 Ti, and the Acer Aspire 7 with a 10th gen Intel Core i5 10300H and a GTX 1650 to name a few.